Modern Cosmetic Science

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Lycoming County camp director returns to work after hip replacement surgery

Newswatch 16’s Mackenzie Aucker shares his speedy recovery.

TROUT RUN, Pa. — Peter Swift is the executive director at Camp Susque. His job requires a lot of walking, bending, and flexibility. Over a year and a half ago, he started having pain in his left hip.

“Worked with our—my doctor and some other doctors trying to resolve it, and it really came down to that the bones were rubbing against each other, and they’re not supposed to do that, and we tried a number of different things to mitigate that which worked for a little while, but ultimately we realized a surgery was in the future one way or the other,” said Peter Swift Camp Susque executive director. 

Swift had hip replacement surgery on June 24th. Doctors at UPMC Williamsport cut off part of Swift’s femur and replaced it with a titanium head that they grafted onto his hip with some plastic into the new joint. 

“It worked immediately. The pain difference was like immediate. It felt so much better; I could do so much more within days of surgery,” said Swift.

The surgery took about two hours, and two hours after the surgery, Swift was walking the halls of UPMC and putting weight on his new hip.

“It’s not ideal to be a camp director and have major surgery that affects your mobility in the middle of summer, but really, I missed a day and a half of work, and I was able to do almost all of my normal duties with minimal disruption, even though it was like the middle of our busiest time of year,” said Swift.


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