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On the Rise: Fresh off her Roblox Innovation Award, PolarCub is ready to take on YouTube–and Twitch

Welcome to Streamers on the Rise, where we find streamers who are growing their channels, content, and audiences in extraordinary ways. Each week we’ll talk with a creator about what goes into livestreaming–both on and off camera.

PolarCub was 13 when she first came across Roblox.

Like much of Gen Z, a lot of her entertainment growing up was the internet, and she was browsing around one day, flicking through online dress-up games, when Roblox appeared. She asked her dad to make an account for her, loaded into the digital world, and started exploring. Because she was so young, she wasn’t able to use text chat–just premade phrases she could click to communicate to other players. That didn’t bother her; most other people she met were around the same age, and they used premade texts, too.


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“I have very fond memories of just playing with other people who just were using the same premade text speech and everything and just talking to each other that way,” she says.

Her friends at school soon got into Roblox too, and they created characters and locations and storylines to all hang out in together. It was formative for PolarCub, who ended up “revolving a lot of my identity and relationships around the platform because it just has a really good community experience,” she explains. “I’ve always felt very with my own people.”

As she grew up, so did Roblox. On top of new features and capabilities aimed at bringing in a bigger and bigger userbase of people who are keen on the metaverse, the platform introduced a user-generated content program where creators can make things for other players to use in-game. Those items sell for real money, and creators get a cut of the cash. (And for some folks, it adds up to a lot of cash.)

For PolarCub, who’s now 23 and is an artist and 3D modeler, the UGC program was the perfect blend of her interests.

Now, three years later, she’s made hundreds of items for Roblox, and through the program has co-created with major fashion houses like Tommy Hilfiger and Gucci. She’s also on YouTube, where she has nearly 350,000 subscribers tuning in for her Roblox adventures, and recently won the 2023 Roblox Innovation Award for Best New Video Star.

Check out our chat with her below.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Tubefilter: Very nice to meet you! So a quick intro, each week we interview and profile three different creators, all of whom are growing their content and their businesses in interesting ways. I thought you’d be a great fit for this, since you’re growing on YouTube and want to start growing on Twitch, too.

PolarCub: I’m incredibly flattered. I wasn’t expecting it at all. This is a really cool opportunity.

Tubefilter: I’m happy to talk to you, especially since Roblox is growing significantly right now, so whenever I can speak to somebody who’s on the inside that, I jump on it. I think our audience is just interested to see what Roblox is going to do next.

PolarCub: Yes. It really is a booming industry. There’s definitely a lot of new things to be uncovered.

Tubefilter: Exactly. I feel like people who weren’t keeping an eye on it are like, “Where did this come from?” and then the people who do know about it are like, “This has been around for a decade.”

PolarCub: Yes. Just growing up with it, you’re like, “Yes, we’ve been here.”

Tubefilter: Yes. It’s interesting to see it try to grow up and match an older audience.

PolarCub: Yes, for sure.

Tubefilter: Okay, let’s back up. To start, imagine somebody is reading this or watching this and they’ve never seen you before. They don’t know your stuff. I’d love to get a little bit of background about you, where you grew up, and how you ended up here.

PolarCub: Yes, for sure. I guess, first and foremost, I’m Canadian. I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. I have been playing Roblox for over 10 years now. I’m known on YouTube and TikTok as PolarCub. I do a lot of Roblox-focused content. I’m also an artist. I like to do a little bit of a mixture of artistic videos or just artistic stuff on the platform in general since I also do UGC, the Roblox catalog items. That’s one of my main focuses as well. I consider myself a multifaceted artist. I do vectors, video editing, graphic design, regular artwork, 3D modeling. I just incorporate all of those things.

Tubefilter: All across the board.

PolarCub: Yes, basically. I don’t know if that answers your question, but hobbies-wise, I like sitting on the computer and just playing on Roblox. I like building little houses in Roblox. I spend a lot of my time playing building games for some reason. Roblox is obviously ideal for that kind of thing. It’s so fun. I liked drawing on the platform. I liked making art of the Roblox characters. Then that just turned into me making artwork for other developers and games and then actually in the future, working with other content creators as well.

Tubefilter: When did you first get into Roblox? I know you said 10 years, but do you remember an incident where somebody was like, “You’ve got to try Roblox“? How did you find it?

PolarCub: If I’m remembering correctly, I think I just came across it one day because I was just looking for stuff to do. When you’re a kid on the internet, you just spend your time playing all these online web games and just dress-up games or whatever. Roblox just popped up and I was like, “Oh, this is cool. Dad, can you sign up for me, please? Make my account for me.” He made my account and then I would just play, walk around. I couldn’t talk yet because I didn’t have a chatting feature. I was a kid. I would just use the pre-made questions and texts and everything and communicate that way. I have very fond memories of just playing with other people who just were using the same pre-made text speech and everything and just talking to each other that way.

I think I just kept playing it from that point. I got really into it. I got my friends at school into it and we would all play together. We would do roleplay games and we would be our own characters and just hang out for hours and hours. I just ended up revolving a lot of my identity and relationships around the platform because it just has a really good community experience. I’ve always felt very with my own people, if that makes sense. That’s basically how I got into it.

Tubefilter: How did playing Roblox transition into content creation?

PolarCub: The first thing that happened was I just ended up working with development groups to making games. Then that’s when I started making like as a job for other people. I was just doing artwork for them. Then that turned into just working with– I think, actually through the UGC program, I had met other people in there that were in contact with other content creators. It was just like a third-party thing. It’s like, “Hey, do you know anyone who knows how to make thumbnails?” I was like, “Oh, I don’t know how, but I can figure it out,” so I did. 

I did a trial run with Flamingo. It was very brief. I was very nervous. I had never worked with any content creators before. He ended up really liking it. It just ended up happening. Then I just got thrown into that position of like, “Oh, I’m the thumbnail artist for Flamingo now.” Then everything just blew up from there. Then other people were like, “Hey, can you do thumbnails for me too?” I was like, “I guess I can.” I don’t know if that’s a good enough answer.

Tubefilter: How did you end up starting your own YouTube channel?

PolarCub: It was actually through them, the friends that I had made through working with Albert and meeting other people through UGC, because I actually wasn’t really planning on ever doing my own content to begin with. It was actually not really something I had thought of until I think about three years ago when I put my first video up. Before that, I had only really been a part of other people’s videos, just collaborating with them and just being part of their group videos. My friends who create content actually encouraged me to make my own channel. They always thought that I had the right humor and personality for it. I was just like, “Okay, I guess I’ll try it.” My first video was actually about UGC and Roblox UGC and how I got into the program making accessories. That just transitioned into making gameplay videos and just trying that out.

Tubefilter: Is there a point where you committed to continuing to do content creation?

PolarCub: I had a video named Roblox Flee the Facility with Voice Chat, and I think that was my third gameplay video that ended up blowing up really well.

Tubefilter: Very quick.

PolarCub: Yes, it was very quick. Before that, it was just like, “Oh, I’ll upload when I feel like it if I make something I like.” That one blew up and I was like, “Oh, my gosh. I guess this is something I can actually pursue, hopefully.” It just ended up becoming more consistent. I got a full-time editor. I have a management team of people just working with me in making this content. Really it just ended up happening. I was like, “Okay, I’ll just dedicate my time to making more videos because people seem to like what I make.” I upgraded my assets for my channel. I got songs made. I got images, drawings made, intros, outros, all sorts of stuff, and just went full force on it.

Tubefilter: How does your production schedule work right now? What’s it like behind the scenes?

PolarCub: Yes. I actually don’t think that I put a lot of time time-wise into making the videos. It’s more so that the actual building yourself up to wanting to record and prepping and maybe thinking of jokes beforehand because the good thing about editing is that they can actually cut out things that don’t land, thankfully. A lot of it is just redoing recordings sometimes because I don’t like how one thing turned out. That can take maybe a day or two days to figure out a video. Just a lot.

of trial and error. Then I just pass things off to my editor and they deal with the rest. Then a lot of the rest of that for me is just middle-manning between the thumbnail artist, the editor, when we want to upload, what time, what should the title be, the thumbnail be. If I have a sponsorship with my management team, then scheduling with them as well. It can be a little time-consuming when it comes to the actual managing of the content. I find that actually recording it is pretty simple for me.

Tubefilter: It’s all the administrative work around it?

PolarCub: Yes, exactly. I feel like that’s more tedious than the actual recording. Yes.

Tubefilter: Do you also livestream? I know you have a Twitch channel, but it doesn’t seem like it’s used very often.

PolarCub: Yes. I actually did used to stream before I did YouTube content. I was just doing UGC-based creation streams. It would just be me 3D modeling for an hour or two and then talking with people. This is before I actually blew up on YouTube. It was definitely more of a small Roblox-based community coming together and just showing interest. I’ve done some YouTube streams. I think that YouTube is probably the platform I drift to more just because it’s my comfort zone now. I did Twitch probably three, four years ago. Pretty inconsistently.

Tubefilter: Have you considered getting back into livestreaming?

PolarCub: That’s a good question. The thing with streaming is that I found it was a bit overwhelming for me just because I feel like conveying emotions is easier with videos that are edited, and they can actually emphasize things that you’re saying or pointing out. Whereas with streaming, I feel like I have to be very on my game, entertaining. Sometimes I have art block and if I’m trying to draw something, I can’t force myself to draw if I’m not into it, but I’m trying to stream at the same time and talk with people. It’s just a lot of multitasking for me. For me, I can’t really incorporate that very well. I feel that it is a path I’ve left untouched that I would like to revisit. I do plan to give streaming another go in the future because I have a lot of ideas that I’d like to do and hanging out with people. I’m just waiting for my assets to be created and put in place for that. Just so it’s like a more polished stream because the ones I used to do were pretty rough and unpolished.

Tubefilter: I feel like that’s pretty typical with early streams. Early content in any form, really.

PolarCub: Yes, for sure. I think I did one YouTube stream in the past six months and that one did really well, actually. It blew up a lot, but I was like, “Oh my gosh, this is too much.” I don’t know how KreekCraft does it. He’s crazy. He’s cool.

Tubefilter: He is. I’d love to hear more about the UGC program. To be honest, I don’t really know that much about it. Can you tell me a little more about the inner workings?

PolarCub: The best way I can explain it is it really is just a community of creators that just know how to 3D model, and because avatar creation is a really significant part of Roblox, people really love customizing their avatars and just representing themselves how they want to be represented. A big thing with the catalog is that before the UGC program was a thing is that everyone felt like there was limitations. We couldn’t express ourselves. There are all kinds of identities out there that want to be represented. The program was started and then everyone just started making like, “What would this community like?” Different kinds of aesthetics or just ways to express yourself. People like myself, we just make accessories based on whatever the trend is at the time or even just very niche communities. For me, it was always just I’d make hair, sunglasses, necklaces, just all sorts of things. Things that are turning into now body types. There’s different body types available on the catalog now. 3D clothing, which is a huge deal, and layering and just making basically the best version of yourself, I think, on the catalog would be a good way to put it.

It definitely ties into my art because a lot of it was conceptualizing, getting inspiration. The best, I think, part of it was just being able to make things that I would want to wear. I made a lot of things for myself. I’ve made hairstyles for myself, face masks, plushies, stuff that I can just accessorize and represent myself with. I think that that’s probably one of my favorite parts about UGC is that there’s really no limitations to how you want to express yourself. I was given that ability.

Tubefilter: It seems very creator-friendly. You have a lot of freedom.

PolarCub: Oh, yes. I have had so many positive interactions with everyone involved. I was in the early program when it first started. It’s definitely been a long-term thing. It was definitely life-changing for me as well. Not only with just the community that I was able to incorporate myself into and meeting so many amazing people, but it was also just, at least for me, financially substantial. I was able to support myself to actually pursue what I’m doing now. I definitely think that it is a eye-opening opportunity that a lot of people are sleeping on. If that makes sense. I love what they’re doing with it. I love the body types.

Tubefilter: I saw that on Twitter. Players were very excited.

PolarCub: All of us were very excited too. We were like, “Oh, my gosh, I’m going to make this and make that.” There are so many body types that are being released right now that I’m even wearing stuff from that. The dynamic heads as well. That’s another thing that’s a big deal. Being able to express yourself more through them is a big thing. I’m trying to make them myself. It’s a little tricky for me, but I do want to make the heads and the bodies, just because I’m used to making regular accessories. This is a different endeavor. I think it’s such a cool concept.

Tubefilter: It’s getting more and more toward, I don’t know, the vibe of VRChat, almost.

PolarCub: Yes. Essentially, isn’t it? It’s just like with way more customization too, because it’s not just a pre-made avatar.

Tubefilter: Yes. The expressions thing is a big development.

PolarCub: Yes. It essentially is like VRChat in that way, because I think you can do that on there. Just having it as a very optional thing as well. I’m wearing one right now because it’s so cute. They have the cutest faces on there. Another thing I really love is that I feel like Roblox is so artist-friendly that anyone who wants to make any creative anything expression-wise, even aside from game development, it’s possible now. I love that about it. I really enjoy being a part of the community. It’s been such a big thing for me.

Tubefilter: I’m 30, so I grew up in the days of Second Life. I feel that same sort of connection between players on Roblox.

PolarCub: People are so excited for, I feel like anything at this point, because there’s so much potential. I feel that it’s just going to get better and I think that there’s a lot of things that we’re still waiting for them. Once those things are out, I don’t know what those things would be, but it just feels like there’s always going to be more and more opportunities. I think that’s a really good thing. I think Roblox is so intuitive and in tune with people and what they want and the community and being aware of their community and the demographics of that as well. I resonate with that a little bit because my demographic on my channel is a similar thing. I cater to that. They definitely know what their community is and they embrace it. I think that is– I don’t know, I’ve loved watching the platform grow. I’ve been playing it since I think I was 10 years old and I’m 23 now. I feel like that’s a good amount of time.

Tubefilter: That was actually my next question. Roblox is doing some serious business now. It paid out over $20 million to creators over the last year. I was just curious about your perspective, since it’s gone from this thing you grew up with as a kid to, now, your career.

PolarCub: If I was talking to myself from when I was younger now, I don’t think I would’ve believed myself. I would’ve been like, “No way.” I’m so proud of what the platform has become and I know that it’s not really– I wasn’t a part of that, but it’s so cool to just see all the different opportunities that even I’ve been given even just business-wise. There’s so many things that I don’t think I would’ve ever had the opportunity to take part in, if not with Roblox. Even the way that they’ve developed themselves as a company is such a significant, I feel like a trendsetter, if anything. It really wasn’t anything people had done before and it still is something that I feel like other companies are probably trying to mimic now. It’s such a unique experience to have.

Tubefilter: Yes, I see it. I feel like Meta especially was looking in Roblox‘s direction with Horizon Worlds and then they just couldn’t do it. They didn’t get it. 

PolarCub: Yes. Roblox does it in a way that I can’t explain it, but it’s different. It does it in its own way and it really for lack of a better word, kicks us with it.

Tubefilter: With the UGC program, do you revenue share in that?

PolarCub: Revenue share as in like, do I get a percentage?

Tubefilter: Yes.

PolarCub: Yes. We do get percentages. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say how much, though.

Tubefilter: That’s fine. You don’t have to give me numbers, but I was just curious to how you earn revenue through Roblox.

PolarCub: Oh yes. We do get a portion of the sales per each item that we sell individually. I upload and then people buy it and then each sale gets a specific percentage from that. Then it just accumulates.

Tubefilter: How many items do you have for sale, do you know? How many items have you made for the game?

PolarCub: That is a good question. I actually don’t know.

Tubefilter: I’m assuming it’s a large number.

PolarCub: I’m not going to say it’s thousands, but I definitely think it’s probably in maybe 100, 200 something, in that range.

Tubefilter: Like we’ve talked about, you have a lot of artistic pursuits, but do you aim to put out a certain number of Roblox items per month? Just as it comes to you? Do you do collections?

PolarCub: Yes. It is on a just as it comes to me basis, because I have so many things going on, as you know. If I feel inspired by anything in particular, then I will do it. As of lately it’s just been on a collab basis. I’ve done stuff with Tommy Hilfiger, NARS, Gucci, collaborations on that front for UGC. I’ve just been sticking to that which has also been a really incredible opportunity. I’m very grateful for it.

Tubefilter: Those are huge brands. Congrats.

PolarCub: Yes, it really is. My portfolio is blooming right now, is what I can say.

Tubefilter: I can imagine. When you partner with somebody like Gucci, for example, are they approaching you with like, “Here’s the theme,” or how does it work?

PolarCub: I’m working through a middleman currently. They’re the ones that negotiate all of those things. They do recruit people. Basically, the way that I’ve been working with them, especially lately, has just been they have a concept or a collection they want to drop. This is a theme, this is the ideas that they have, and basically, it just bottles down to just conceptualizing those artistically or they have a specific direction they want to go in. A really good example actually is probably NARS, because they had a specific mood board and aesthetic that they were going for, and we had to conceptualize each item individually on our own. Then they would have meetings and discuss these things and approve these things and then reach back down to us. It was very formal. It was a good experience. I learned a lot. They gave PR, which is really nice. Free makeup. Who doesn’t love free makeup?

Tommy Hilfiger was an amazing experience. It’s probably one of my favorite experiences I had, because the team was so positive. We did get to have meetings with people in the company as well, so it was very direct. There’s definitely multi-ways to have those collaborations. I definitely think that those two were the ones that I was most involved in though. Hopefully, that answers your questions properly.

Tubefilter: Yes, totally. I was just really curious to hear about the process for you. What are your plans or goals for the future? Any cool things that you’re planning? Any projects?

PolarCub: Yes, I’m actually working on a couple of Roblox games currently. They are art-based that I plan on making YouTube content with. It’s supposed to be collaborative with other people, fans, being very participation-based. I don’t know how else to word it. Just very community-driven. I have two games like those coming up. I’m planning on getting streaming going again. I have a VTuber model being made, so that’s awesome, because I do want to re-approach streaming. That’s something that I plan on doing. Aside from that, just keeping making videos and hopefully, just keep growing and working on the community and just having a good time. I think that’s the main goal.

Tubefilter: Gotcha. Okay, last question: What’s the one thing you would say to get somebody to try Roblox?

PolarCub: Oh, that’s a good question. The way that I’ve always gotten people into Roblox, if anything, is I would always just say like, “There’s a sick new game that just came out. You won’t believe it, it’s so cool,” and I just send it as a link and then make them play it with me or something. That’s just how I’ve gotten probably like five people hooked on so far. Just inviting them in, being very welcoming and just having a blast and showing them that it can be really fun. There’s so many different ways to have fun on Roblox.


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